• Apr2019


    April 20, 2019

    Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, The glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, which we have been blessed to celebrate once again this year, is the greatest gift of God to fallen humanity. The resurrection of Christ took place so that all human beings might be resurrected; so...

  • Prot. No. 257 X B A R T H O L O M E W By God’s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the Church: May the Grace, Peace and Mercy of Christ Risen in Glory be with you All Venerable brothers and beloved...

  • Schedule for Holy Week and Pascha   Palm Sunday, 4/21 8:45 am, Orthros and Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom  2:00 pm, Service of the “Bridegroom” Holy Monday, 4/22  6 pm, Service of the “Bridegroom” Holy Tuesday, 4/23  9 am, Pre-sanctified Divine Liturgy 6 pm, Service of the “Bridegroom” Holy...

  • Exclusive Commentary to The Orthodox World An interview with His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea     Your Eminence, thank you for speaking with me. We were informed by the media that the Moscow Patriarchate has recently established a “Diocese of South and North Korea.” Can you please comment on...

  • On Saturday April 6, a group of Slavic and Korean faithful of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea participated in the 2019 Geumcheon Harmony Cherry Blossom Festival for the financial support of the Orthodox Mission in Korea. In the Stand that had the inscription ‘Taste the Russian, Ukrainian & Uzbek Food...

  • On Saturday March 24, HE Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea along with Deacon Yohan Park visited our Orthodox Community in Busan for the celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation. On Saturday afternoon, HE Ambrosios officiated the Service of the Great Vespers and Artoklasia (Breaking of the Bread) and delivered a...

  • On Sunday March 17, the great Feast of Orthodoxy was celebrated in all the Parishes of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea with the participation of many faithful. On the occasion of this feast, HE Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea visited on Saturday our Parish of St. Dionysios in Ulsan where he...

  • Mar2019

    CATECHETICAL HOMILY At the Opening of Holy and Great Lent + BARTHOLOMEWBy God’s mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Romeand Ecumenical PatriarchTo the Plenitude of the ChurchMay the Grace and Peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you Together with our Prayer, Blessing and Forgiveness * * * With...

  • Feb2019

    On Thursday January 31, 2019 Rev. Fr. Chrystopher Moore (OCMC) arrived in Korea from the USA with his Presbytera Photini and his two children, Andreas (7 years old) and Gideon (5years years old) in order to serve at the Parish of St. Dionysios of Aegina in Ulsan, of the Orthodox...

  •   On January 26 – 27, 2019 the Winter Retreat of the Syndesmos Youth of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Seoul was held in the city of Chuncheon under the supervision of Father Anthony Lim. The discussions revolved round the general theme of the Metropolis for 2019 “Teaching through your action”...