The celebration of Sunday of Orthodoxy in Korea

On Sunday March 17, the great Feast of Orthodoxy was celebrated in all the Parishes of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea with the participation of many faithful.

On the occasion of this feast, HE Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea visited on Saturday our Parish of St. Dionysios in Ulsan where he officiated the Vespers (Saturday evening) and the next day (Sunday of Orthodoxy) celebrated the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great assisted by Presbyter Christopher Moore and Deacon Yohan Park. After the end of the Divine Liturgy, all the faithful, carrying holy icons, took part in the procession outside the Church.

Both, on Saturday after the Service of Vespers and on Sunday after the Divine Liturgy, and during the meal, the Metropolitan had the opportunity to communicate in person with the congregation and to speak to them on themes of spiritual edification. Particularly, after Sunday’s Meal of Love, a video was screened from the 4th Official Visit of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Korea (3-8 / 12/2018), after which the Metropolitan conveyed the patristic wishes and blessings of His All Holiness to everyone. He also stressed the great significance and impact of HAH’s Visit had to the Metropolis of Korea.

In early Sunday afternoon, the Service of Lenten Vespers was held, to which the Metropolitan spoke about the “Stadium of Virtues”. He said that, “the period of the Great Lent is like the annual Olympic Games of the Church in which we are invited to participate in our own “game” in order to fight the passion that tortures us, so as to acquire the corresponding virtue”.
