A Two-day Youth Retreat in Ulsan

At the weekend of 27 and 28 May, on the occasion of the 40-day Memorial of the late Father Paul Kwon, a Youth Meeting was held with the members of SYNDESMOS in Ulsan with the participation of young men and women from Seoul, Incheon, Busan and Ulsan. The central theme...

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International Food Festival

This year’s great feast of Pentecost was celebrated in all the Parishes of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea with the participation of many Orthodox faithful. At the Cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Seoul, during the holy Services of Saturday and Sunday, Metropolitan Ambrose was assisted by Fr. Martin Ritsi, Director...

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Holy Week and Pascha in Korea

  The infinite Love and the ineffable Philantrhopy of God blessed us this year, too, to celebrate the Holy Passions and the Resurrection of our Lord in all the Parishes and Monasteries of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea. Many Korean faithful participated in the Services and Holy Sacraments, particularly in...

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April 24, 2017 – NCCK Statement on Terrorism

    All Christians who belong to the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) condemn in absolute terms the terrorist attacks against innocent civilians all over the world, regardless of their religious or ethnic identities.   We particularly protest against terrorists attacks against Christians in the Middle East and...

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Baptismal Divine Liturgy – 2017.4.8.

By the grace and mercy of God, and after a long time of preparation, the following brothers and sisters, “who had been prepared for Illumination”: Paul Park, Marina Im, Fotini Min, Lucia Park, Irene Kochurova, Helen Cheon, Nektaria Lee, Makarios Kang, Theodore Hong, Haris Lee and Nikitas Hong became members...

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