Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, The coming of the New Year, thanks to the providence and ineffable philanthropy of God, is not only a time of praise and thanksgiving to the Creator of time, but also a time for reflection upon our course within it. Whether the new...

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My beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Having recently experienced the joy of the 4th Official Visit to Korea of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, we praise the Lord Who, through His ineffable mercy, deemed us worthy to experience this blessed ecclesiastical event. In a sense, this event was the preparation for...

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Troparion to St. Nicholas

After the Great Vespers on the feast of St. Nicholas, during His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s visit to Korea, Svetlana Nesmelova, Nadia Kozachek, Olga Skorobogatova chant the Troparion to St. Nicholas. December 5, 2018. Video by Spyridon

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East meets Far East – Orthodoxy in Korea

On Friday, December 7th, His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the faithful of St. Nicholas Parish in Seoul had a reception dinner together to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the construction of St. Nicholas cathedral. Traditional Korean musicians performed and Father Vissarion, moved by their performances, decided to play...

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