With the help of God the winter camp of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea was held at the Camp facilities of St. Boris in Chuncheon from Friday 17/2 to Sunday 19/2.
A total of 30 persons, members of the Sunday School and the youth group called “Syndesmos”, participated from the parishes of Seoul, Incheon, Ulsan, and Jeonju. The general theme of the camp was: “Prayer: The Oxygen of the Soul”. Metropolitan Fr. Ambrosios and Fr. Yohan Park spoke on the main theme in several gatherings.
During the three days, the participants had the opportunity to participate in the morning and evening Services and the Sunday Divine Liturgy, which is the prayer par excellence of our Orthodox Church.
Also, the program included a walk of the participants in the forest, group games, learning hymns and songs, but also voluntary work for cooking and cleaning.
Warm thanks are expressed to everyone who organized this three-day camp and worked with much love and zeal for its implementation.