From the moment the great movie: Man of God, by Yelena Popovic, starring Aris Servetalis and co-starring Alexander Petrov and Mickey Rourke, was shown in cinemas in many countries of the world, the desire of all the members of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea was to show it in Korea also so that more Koreans will get to know the life of St. Nektarios.
The relationship of the Orthodox Koreans with St. Nektarios started in the 90s, when a piece of his holy Relics arrived in Korea and then later, with the publication of His life in a book published by the Publication House of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea.
Everyone who saw the movie with Korean subtitles on Sunday, October 30, 2022, at the historical Daehan Multiplex Theater in Seoul, during the Catholic Film Festival (CAFF), was moved to tears and many of the audience confessed that they greatly benefited spiritually. Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea wished that we should cultivate, through the intercessions of St. Nektarios, the three great virtues of the Saint, namely patience, love, and forgiveness, in order to enter, like Him, into the Kingdom of Heaven.