The Crucifixion and Resurrection Pasha in the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea

On the afternoon of April 28, 2024, the Procession of the Bridegroom began, thus inaugurating this year’s Holy Week, as well as the week of the Lord’s Passion and His Resurrection.

Every day the arranged Holy Services were held, morning and afternoon, and the faithful came and took part in the Worship. Inside the churches, numerous young people stood out, who gave a sense of spiritual Spring with their presence and offered their help for the various preparations, such as in the cleaning of the church, the decoration of the Epitaph and anywhere else where it was needed. Thus, they received deservedly salary from God: «Lord, sanctify those who love the dignity of your House”.

The Services were accompanied by the choir, as they had long ago begun the preparation of the hymns for Holy Week and the Resurrection, and their labor was rewarded. The wonderful crucifixion hymns of the period resounded in the church and overwhelmed the souls of the faithful, uniting the voice of man with that of Heaven. “Glory to your condescension, only philanthropist”!

The Service of the Bridegroom, the Last Supper, the Betrayal, the Immaculate Passions, the Epitaphic Lamentations… The solemnity, the emotion and, above all, the anticipation culminated. And there it is! This Holy and blessed day, the first of the week, the king and master of all days” has arrived. The churches in all the Parishes of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea are filled with people, not only Koreans but from many parts of the world, who heard the joyful call of the bell: “Christ is Risen!”.

Darkness… No sound… But suddenly a flash! “Come and receive light” and the churches are filled with hundreds of lighted candles and the dim torches flood the hearts with warmth. “Christ is Risen!”, “Truly the Lord is Risen!”(Korean, Russian, Greek, Romanian, English) resonates everywhere.

The Service of Orthros (Matins) and the Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection are held solemnly and the resurrection paean is heard over and over again sung by everyone: “Christ is risen from the dead, having trampled on death and giving life to those in the graves”. All the nations You have established, O Lord, bow down before you, and glorify Your name…” says the prophet David and one can see and hear it. The Resurrection of the Lord is a joy for everyone: “With joy all things are fulfilled, the joy of Resurrection, as they received the knowledge of the Lord’s Resurrection.

The Easter common meal of love is followed in a solemn atmosphere for the hundreds of believers participating in the Vespers of Love, during which the relevant Gospel passage was read in several languages.

Somewhere in the world, in a non-religious country, in a country where there are “saviors” everywhere, but nowhere salvation, where there are innumerable lights, but nowhere the Light… “Now everything is filled with light”!

Christ is Risen!


4.28. Palm Sunday

5.1. Holy Wednesday(Sacrament of Holy Unction)

5.2. Holy Thursday(12 Gospel readings)

5.3. Holy Friday(Lamentations-Epitaphios)

5.4. Holy Saturday

5.5. Great & Holy Pascha(Vespers of Agape, Agape Meal)