By the grace of God, after the forced cessation of about two and a half years due to the pandemic, the common Agape meals in the Parishes of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea have resumed.
In the Parish e.g. of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Seoul, after the Divine Liturgy of All Saints’ Sunday, the common Agape meal was held for the first time in the post-Covid-19 era in an atmosphere of emotion and great joy.
In his short greeting, the Metropolitan of Korea called on everyone to give thanks to God for this great gift and at the same time pointed out the great spiritual and social importance of the common table as a continuation of the Thanksgiving Holy Altar. Recalling the monastic tradition of the cenobium, according to which after the Divine Liturgy the monks or nuns with chants go in procession to the Trapeza (dining room) of the Monastery, to continue the “liturgy after the Liturgy”, urged everyone to participate in the common Agape meal with the longing of the brothers to communicate with each other, “because in the face of the brother or sister, who sits at the same table, we can see Christ; we can meet and converse with Christ in another form.”