Rev. Alexandros Han

Family name Rev. Fr. Han (Alexandros) *

Given name Eui Jong *

Church name Annunciation of the Holy Theotokos Orthodox Church (Busan) *

Church address 7 Junggu-ro 97-gil, Jung-gu, Busan *

Sunday service schedule 09:00 Matins / 10:00 Divine Liturgy *

Weekday service schedule 08:30 / 18:00 *

Church operating hours 09:00 / 17:00 *

Priest meeting hour By appointment *

Church name day March 25th *

Telephone 051-462-3819 / + 82 51 462 3819 *

Fax. 051-466-3746 / +82 51 466 3746 *

E-mail [email protected] *