• Dec2017

    On Monday, December 11, Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea participated in the General Assembly of the Faith and Order Committee, which took place at the Roman Catholic(Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea). The same event, last year, took place at the headquarters of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea. In his speech, Metropolitan...

  • The Feast day of Saint Nicholas in Seoul was celebrated with great splendor from December 3 to 6 of this year. On Sunday, December 3, the festive program began with the transferring of St. Nicholas Icon and his holy Relics to the center of the Cathedral and it was followed...

  • Nov2017

      Sunday, 3 Dec. Pre-feast of St. Nicholas Begins Tuesday, 5 Dec. 5:30pm          Great Vespers & Icon Procession for St. Nicholas, Artoclasia 6:45pm          Divine Liturgy 8:00pm          Community Dinner Wednesday, 6 Dec. 9:00am           Matins Prayer Service 10:00am        Divine Liturgy 12:00pm        Feast Day Community Lunch

  • Oct2017

    International Food Festival – October 22nd, 2017 12:00 – 3:00 pm

  • Sep2017

    On Friday and Saturday, September 8 and 9, the Oxford Consultation on Orthodox Missions was held at Oxford University, St. Anthony’s College, under the general theme: Orthodox Universality and Local Cultural Identity. The Consultation was held in honor and memory of Saint Innokentii Veniaminov, whose 220th year from his birth...

  • By His Eminence, the Metropolitan Ambrose of Korea   If the Incarnation of the Word did not take place in Palestine during Hellenistic times, but rather in the Far East, would the Eucharistic Bread have been replaced with the daily food of the residents of Southeastern Asia, which is—as it...

  • Aug2017

    2017 Summer Camp for Middle & High school was held from August 4 to August 6 in Chuncheon with a participation of 30 students. They finalized their camp, short but spiritually rich, celebrating the Feast Day at the Holy Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior in Gapyong. Photos

  • Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea, accompanied by Fr. Romanos Kavchak and Deacon Johan Park visited our church in Jeonju for the celebration of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. On Monday evening 14/8 the Metropolitan, assisted by the Parish priest, Rev. Ilarion Jeong and the rest of the Clergy, participated...

  • On Sunday, August 6, 2017, Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior in Gapyeong with the participation of Fr. Antony Woo, Rev. Roman Kavchak and Deacon Yohan Park.   The festive Divine Liturgy was attended by the campers of the...

  • A significant interview with the Hierarch (at Amen.gr) regarding his recent meeting with representatives from the Moscow Patriarchate who visited Seoul.   http://www.amen.gr/article/varysimadi-synedefksi-tou-mitropoliti-koreas-amvrosiou-sto-amengr   In the far-off Korea, the Land of the Morning Calm, there has been for at least four decades a unique spiritual and missionary work, which has...