• Mar2018

    From 24 to 26 January 2018, the Winter Camp of Students took place at the premises of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea in Chuncheon. Also from the afternoon of Friday 26 until Sunday 28 January, the winter Retreat of SYNDESMOS for the young adults of the Metropolis took place. In...

  • On Tuesday, January 23, 2018, the 14th Laity-Clergy Assembly took place at the headquarters of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea. The general theme was St. Paul’s exhortation: “Be steadfast, immovable in Faith”. (1 Cor.15: 58) In accordance with the Statutes of the Metropolis, during the annual Laity-Clergy Assembly, the spiritual...

  • Feb2018

    Prot. No. 169   CATECHETICAL HOMILY ON THE OPENING OF HOLY AND GREAT LENT X B A R T H O L O M E W By God’s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the Church May the Grace and Peace of our Lord...

  • Jan2018

    The great Feast of Christmas was celebrated with brilliance and with the participation of numerous Orthodox faithful in all the Parishes and sacred Monasteries of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea. According to the program, on Friday 22/12, the reading of the Christmas Great Hours took place. On Sunday afternoon, 24/12,...

  • Dec2017
  • New Year’s Message 2018

    December 30, 2017

    My beloved, We now enter another New Year, which is a precious gift from God to the world, and we wish and hope it will be a peaceful one.  In particular, those who have suffered recently and are still suffering from local wars and terrorist attacks have only one desire: to...

  • Bartholomew By God’s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the Church Grace, Mercy and Peace from the Savior Christ Born in Bethlehem * * *     Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, dear children,   By the grace of God, we are once...

  •   With the grace of God, we celebrated this year the feast of St. Dionysios in his homonymous Church in the city of Ulsan. On Saturday, December 16th, His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea officiated the Great Vespers with Artoklasia, assisted by Athonite Hieromonk Theologos Chrysanthakopoulos, and Deacon Johan Park,...


    December 20, 2017

    My beloved, The redemptive message of the great and joyful Feast of Christmas, which we have been deemed worthy to celebrate again this year, through God’s ineffable love and benevolence, could be summed up in a simple phrase: “God loves you personally.” John, the Evangelist of love, has told us:...