On Thursday, June 20, 2019, the Metropolitan of Korea Ambrosios held a special meeting with the Mayor of Seoul, the Honorable Won Soon Park. The Metropolitan was accompanied by Rev. Fr. Antonios Lim and Linguistics Professor Mr. Angelos Yu.
The purpose of the meeting was firstly, to express the gratitude of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea to the Mayor for granting the highest honor by designating the Cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Seoul as a Seoul Future Heritage monument; secondly, to inform the Mayor about the events, which the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea, in accordance with the decision of the 15th Clerical Assembly held on 21 January 2019, will organize next year on the occasion of the Anniversary of the 120 years of uninterrupted presence of the Orthodox Church in Korea; and thirdly, the official invitation of Mr. Mayor to participate in these events.
The Honorable Mayor of Seoul, Mr. Won Soon Park, thanked the Metropolitan for the briefing, showed great interest in the planned events, welcomed the invitation and proposed, in fact, the organization of a joint Metropolis and a Municipality Exhibition of heirlooms that are kept in the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea.
The Metropolitan thanked the Mayor on behalf of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea for making available his precious time as well as the warm welcome he gave to his companions. He also thanked him for his noble proposal concerning the co-organization of the Exhibition.
To the Mayor of Seoul, Metropolitan Ambrosios offered a gift of two books in Korean from the editions of the Metropolis “Korean Orthodox Editions”: the Ecumenical Patriarch’s Bartholomew book, “Encountering the Mystery” and the two-volume project “The Byzantine Icons: A Spiritual Treasure”.