The Clean Week gave its turn to the First Sunday of the Great Lent, beginning with Sunday of Orthodoxy.
On Sunday morning, the Service of Matins and the Divine Liturgy were celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Seoul, and presided over by Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea and Exarch of Japan. They were co-officiated by Fr. Roman Kavchak and Fr. Anthony Lim, in the presence of a large number of faithful.
Before the Dismissal, the Procession of the Holy Icons around the Cathedral took place, and everyone, in unison, holding icons and chanting the Apolytikion of the feast, took part in the celebration.
“This is the faith of the Apostles! This is the faith of the Holly Fathers! This is the faith of the Orthodox! This faith has sustained the world…” echoed the voice of the celebrant priest, in Korean and Slavonic, which joined the voices of the faithful and ascended to the Heavenly Throne of the Almighty, giving thanks and praise to God, who has preserved His Orthodox Church in Korea from every temptation for one hundred and twenty-five long years. Then, entering the church again, everyone sang “in one spirit and one heart” the triumphant paean, “Who is so great a God as our God? You are our God who alone perform wonders”!
The Dismissal, the offering of the Andidoron and the reading of the Service of the “Holy Communion Thanksgiving Prayers” brought once again to completion the Divine Liturgy, while the words of the poet were heard like a whisper in the souls of the faithful: “I thank You, Lord, for condescending to come again to this manger. Oh, stay for years, years endlessly in me, master and monarch”.
Afterwards, everyone joined the communal Meal of Love, which was concluded with some brief reflections on the feast day by Metropolitan Ambrosios.