On Sunday night, December 5, the presentation and first screening of the online Exhibition of the artifacts of the Korean Orthodox Metropolis took place in the Hall of the Missionary Center in Seoul.
In his short greeting, the Metropolitan of Korea stated the following:
The idea of the Exhibition started about 3 years ago, in preparation for the celebration of the historic anniversary of the completion of 120 years of Orthodoxy in Korea (1900-2020). Yet, while everything was ready in February 2020 – even the Invitations had been printed and distributed for the opening ceremony of the Exhibition at Seoul City Hall, the Covid-19 pandemic came and, unfortunately, canceled it all.
As a result, we decided to organize a Virtual Exhibition instead. We are happy that with the help of God we are presenting today to the online public the Exhibition whose title was taken from the saying of the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “Beauty will save the world.”
Before giving the floor to Fr. Antonios Lim, who is going to present you the Exhibition, offering detailed explanations about the content of the Exhibition and how you will be able to watch it, please allow me to point out that through modern technology, these artifacts, which are kept in the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea, will travel for the first time around the world and will remain available to the public for ever. For this very reason, apart from using the Korean language, we have also used English to accommodate those interested in having access to it anywhere in the world.
Next, I would like to thank those who contributed to the completion and implementation of the Exhibition.
Firstly, Fr. Antonios Lim, who had the overall responsibility for the program.
Secondly, Mrs. Eleni Lim and Mr. Heliodoros Sin, who worked hard, not only for the design of the Exhibition’s platform but also for the photography of the artifacts.
Thirdly, Mrs. Eleni Cho and Mr. Andreas Hamalis, for the proofreading of the texts and the subtitling of the lectures and videos as well as many other details.
Fourth, Mr. Lucas Lim, for the construction of the Exhibition website and the posters.
Fifth, the Municipality of Seoul, the Greek Embassy in Seoul and the Greek Ministry of National Defense for supporting our effort.
We suggest that you may watch the Exhibition in the peaceful environment of your home and, if you like it, please promote it to others, so that more and more people get to know the spiritual and cultural treasures of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea.
I will conclude my short address by stressing that in our time and age, ugliness abounds in the world. Therefore, it is time to promote Beauty as a means for saving the world!