The Feast of the Annunciation in Busan

On Saturday March 24, HE Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea along with Deacon Yohan Park visited our Orthodox Community in Busan for the celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation.

On Saturday afternoon, HE Ambrosios officiated the Service of the Great Vespers and Artoklasia (Breaking of the Bread) and delivered a Sermon on the Feast Day. Afterwards, the standard “Meal of Love” was offered to all the faithful present, during which the Metropolitan praised the Choir members for their excellent rendition of the hymns of the day. He also expressed his thanks to the Altar Boys for their careful and respectful serving within the Holy Altar.

On Sunday, following the Service of Orthros and the Archieratical Divine Liturgy, HE Metropolitan Ambrosios delivered a sermon on the subject: “The role of the Archangel Gabriel in the Mystery of the Annunciation and of our Guardian angel in our lives”, after which the “Meal of Love” was again offered to the congregation. The Choir then presented a musical program with ecclesiastical hymns as well as Korean songs. Immediately after that, a video was shown depicting the 4th Official Visit of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Korea (3-8 / 12/2018) and the Metropolitan conveyed the blessings of HAH to everyone. Finally, the event ended with the offering of gifts to the members of the Choir and to the Altar Boys by Metropolitan Ambrosios, who then spoke on the subject: “Our participation in the spiritual struggle of the Great Lent.”

