The joyous feast of Palm Sunday was celebrated on April 9, 2023, at the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Seoul, as well as in all the parishes of the Metropolis of Korea, with a large participation of Orthodox believers of different national backgrounds.
After the end of the Divine Liturgy, the faithful participated in the common Meal of Love and then, all together, young and old, helped to clean the Church and to put up the mourning decorations for Holy Week.
After the end of the work, at about 2:00 pm, the sound of the bell was heard inviting the faithful to join the engrossing Procession of the Bridegroom. In the sermon that followed, the Metropolitan analyzed the first Kathisma of the Orthros of the day and specifically focused on the words: a) “be in urgent need”, b) “condescend”, and c) the phrase “to save the man”.
The Orthros of the Feast of Palm Sunday, the Divine Liturgy, the Procession of the icon of the Bridegroom, and the Sacrament of holy Confession that followed, filled our existence with joy and devotion and prepared us spiritually to participate in the Immaculate Passion of our Lord and in His glorious Resurrection.