The feast of Saint Dionysios, Archbishop of Aegina from Zakynthos, was celebrated on the weekend of 14 and 15 December 2024 in his holy church in Ulsan.
On Saturday Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea and Exarch of Japan and Fr. Yohan Park, celebrated the Great Vespers with the Artoklasia. A sermon was delivered by the Metropolitan on the great virtue of forgiveness and raised the question for reflection “whether the example of St. Dionysios has helped us to apply Christ’s commandment to love our enemies as well.
After the Vespers, the young Dionysios Sung Dong Kim (Korean) and Seraphim Eun Kwang (Chinese), who were to be baptize the next day, confessed their sins.
On Sunday, while the Metropolitan celebrated the feastal Orthros, the Rev. Fr. Yohan held the Service of making a Catechumen. It was followed by the Baptismal Divine Liturgy during which the two aforementioned young men were received into the Orthodox Church through the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Chrismation.
After the biblical Readings, the Metropolitan delivered a sermon on the parable about the Great Supper, pointing out that “the host was angry not for what the despisers of the invitation did under various excuses, but for what they did not do” and stressed the need “to always accept with gratitude and humility the honorable invitation of God to participate in the sacramental life of the Church”.
During the distribution of the “Antidoron” and the reading of the Thanksgiving Service, the congregation had the opportunity to congratulate the newly illumined persons.
After the Services, a dinner and a meal of love were served to everyone present, during which the Metropolitan spoke to the faithful. He also expressed his sincere thanks to the parish priest Fr. Yohan, to presbytera Angela, and to co-workers for the preparation of the feast and to all the participants of the feast, wishing them a merry and blessed Christmas.