For Slavophones, who permanently reside in Korea, but also for those who happened to be in the country on holidays and who follow the old calendar, all Church Services were held on 6 and 7 January.
The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Seoul, with the participation of Fr. Roman Kavchak, who is a priest of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea and has the pastoral care of the Slavophone flock in Korea; Also Fr. Anthony Lim and Deacon Johan Park participated. After the reading of the Holy Gospel Fr. Roman read the Christmas Message of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Russian.
Following the Divine Liturgy, an Agape Meal was served to everyone present at the Hall of the Missionary Centre. During the Meal Slavophone Sunday school children held a Christmas party, which was attended by the choir members who sing in the Church Services in Slavonic.
Photos Here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/145852826@N05/albums/72157675888613844/with/32406119091/
Sunday school children Christmas party Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj2QlKjPWdc&edit=vd