Prayer for the victims of the Holodomor tragedy in Ukraine

On Saturday, November 27, at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Seoul, Fr. Roman Kavchak offered a memorial prayer for the souls of all those who fell asleep during the famine in Ukraine, the well-known Holodomor tragedy (1932-1933). The event was attended by dignitaries from the Ukrainian Embassy in Seoul along with Ukrainian believers living in Korea. His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea, due to another responsibility, was not able to attend the Memorial Service.  Instead, he sent the following message, which was read by Fr. Roman.

My dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

The anniversary of the great Holodomor tragedy, which took place 89 years ago in Ukraine and led to the death of millions of innocent people, is the first anniversary of the memory of the unfortunate victims and at the same time a prayer for the repose of their souls.

Secondly, it is a great opportunity for reflection for all of us. It is a time to think how much evil man can do to his fellow man, when his actions are not dictated by the love of God and His Gospel, but by other selfish interests and motives.

And  Thirdly, this tragedy should set an example to be avoided, so that such evil actions would never be repeated anywhere on earth.

In addition, I ask you, my brothers and sisters, not to forget that in barbarism and inhumanity we as Orthodox Christians must always respond with evangelical forgiveness, which promotes love and peace because hatred breeds only hatred and destruction.

If this is how we deal with all the harm they have done to us, then we will have God’s blessing and live better days in the future.

I wish all our dear Ukrainian brothers and sisters good health, longevity, and that the beautiful country of Ukraine will never experience a similar nightmare in its history.

With many heartfelt greetings, I embrace you in the Lord,

+ Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea and Exarch of Japan