Palm Sunday and the Service of the Bridegroom

With the participation of numerous faithful, the Holy Services of Palm Sunday and the Bridegroom were held in all the Parishes of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea.

At the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Seoul, after the Divine Liturgy, the faithful worked on the cleaning of the church and the clergy worked on the arrangement of the Holy Altar.

Then, the first Bridegroom Service was performed during which the Metropolitan of Korea drew everyone’s attention to the fact that “although the ten Virgins of the relevant parable wished to meet the Bridegroom and enter the Bride Chamber with Him, yet only the five, were properly prepared and achieved their goal. The 50% ratio should seriously concern all of us because, despite our desire, we may stay out of the Nymphon. Let us, then, imitate the wise Virgins, so that we may meet the Bridegroom of our soul, unite with Him and enter His Kingdom.” Finally, he invited everyone to participate in the Sacrament of Holy Confession.
