On Thursday January 31, 2019 Rev. Fr. Chrystopher Moore (OCMC) arrived in Korea from the USA with his Presbytera Photini and his two children, Andreas (7 years old) and Gideon (5years years old) in order to serve at the Parish of St. Dionysios of Aegina in Ulsan, of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea.
After a brief stay at the Seoul Missionary Center in order to recover from the long journey and the hardships they suffered as a result of the extreme weather conditions in Chicago (snowstorm), they arrived in Ulsan on Friday, February 8th.
On Saturday, February 9th, Metropolitan Ambrosios visited Ulsan in order to present the family of Fr. Christopher to the faithful of the Parish of St. Dionysios.
At the dinner that followed the Great Vespers and at the end of the Sunday Divine Liturgy, H.E. Metropolitan Ambrosios presented the family of Fr. Christopher to the Parishioners, who welcomed them with much happiness and great joyful events. The new Priest was also welcomed on behalf of the faithful by the Dean of St. Dionysios Church, Rev. Antonios Woo.
Prior to the Dismissal of the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence appointed eight new young Readers who, after the special Service, each read two verses from Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, which contains the wonderful Hymn of Love. The Metropolitan wished to the new Altar Boys to be worthy of serving as angels at the Holy Altar and to live all their lives in love with God and their neighbor.
After the end of the common Meal of Love, the traditional New Year celebration of “Se Be” (새배) followed, during which the younger ones make prostrations before their elders as a manifestation of respect and love.