Korean Syndesmos

Last Sunday, we had the special opportunity to celebrate the Divine Liturgy with Deacon Perry Hamalis.
Deacon Perry came to Korea to deliver a lecture in Yeoju for a Symposium on Ecology & Religion, and then came to Seoul for the weekend. From July 2015-July 2016, Deacon Perry and his family (Diakonissa Pat, Michael, and Gia) lived in Korea through the Fulbright Scholars program and, in June 2016, Deacon Perry was ordained at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Seoul. He is an invaluable and beloved member of our clergy. It was a joy and a blessing to see him again and be able to visit with him.
After the Divine Liturgy, Deacon Perry offered his time to visit with the Syndesmos members and share in discussion over coffee. The topic of discussion turned towards “loneliness and human relationship,” and Deacon Perry offered words of encouragement and wisdom for our Syndesmos group.
As always, it is a great blessing to have the opportunity to visit with Deacon Perry, we hope to see him soon in the future.