With the grace of God, the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea organized on Saturday, November 19, 2016 an International Symposium under the general theme: “Orthodoxy and Contemporary Problems. The Challenge of Technology. ”
The topic of the International Symposium did not concern only scientists and experts, but anyone seriously interested in contemporary and, especially, in the future of humanity. This was evident by the participation not only of scientists from various branches of the exact and theoretical sciences, but also by the attendance of ordinary citizens.
At the International Symposium a number of distinguished speakers from abroad presented their papers after which they diligently answered the questions of the audience. They all pointed out the numerous and difficult problems facing modern societies today and discussed them in the light of the teachings of the Orthodox Church.
Once again we express our thanks to the lecturers, the participants and all those who worked for organizing the International Symposium, wishing that its conclusions may teach each and everyone of us to have more love for God and sincere respect to His image, the human being.
You can watch the videos here or at our youtube channel: https://goo.gl/NifVSY
Message By His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Opening Remarks – His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea
““Transhumanism versus Theosis: Two Approaches to Transcendence”
by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas (Hatzinikolaou) of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki, Church of Greece
“Technology, Addiction, and Korean Society”
by Protopresbyter Fr. Daniel Na, St. Paul’s Orthodox Church (Incheon, Republic of Korea)
“Technology and Reflections on Personhood”
by Dr. Gayle Woloschak, Prof. of Radiology and Biology, Northwestern Univ, Feinberg School of Medicine (U.S.A.)
“Masters & Possessors of Nature & Death: An Orthodox Response to Descartes’ Project”
by Rev. Deacon Dr. Perry Hamalis, Professor of Religion, North Central College (U.S.A.)
Closing Remarks
Booklet of Symposium with lectures in English and Korean: https://goo.gl/w3U8cu
Choir Video
Photo Albums: https://flic.kr/s/aHskQM9V4z