English Summer Camp 2019

With the grace of God, the second Camp period (English Summer Camp) of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea was completed on Sunday, August 4th for Elementary and Middle School students (29/7 – 4/8/2019).

The teachers of the English Program were Rev. Fr. Christopher Moore, his Presbytera Photini, Christopher Jonker, Panagiotis Kousoulas, Eric Ambrosius, Andrew Hamalis and Stavrini Digeni. Staff members, who worked as volunteers throughout the Camp program were Deacon Yohan Park (Camp Leader), Eleni Cho (Assistant A), Iakovos Myung Jae-kyu, (Assistant B) while Group Leaders were Ivan Seo, Christina Cho, Angela Lee, Junghwa Moon, Nona Kwon, Galina Jung, and Joy Park. His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios expressed his deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the English Teachers, the Staff members as well as the volunteers who worked tirelessly in the preparation of daily meals, for their precious help.

The focus of the daily Bible Study, immediately following the Morning Prayers, as well as the various topics that were discussed was on the request of the Disciples, “Lord, teach us to pray”. (Lk. 11:1) During the extensive analysis of the Lord’s Prayer, emphasis was given on how to understand it through the heart so as to avoid the typical reciting of the Prayer, as is, unfortunately, the case many times.

The daily program included numerous entertainment events, such as swimming in a pool, walks in the woods, and games organized inside and outside the Camp premises.

The more than sixty participants that took part in the Camp were mostly Korean nationals, but there were also some Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhstanis, Uzbeks, Americans and Greeks who bonded together and developed strong and true friendships within the ecumenical spirit of Orthodoxy. Camp life gave them the chance to experience in action their Christian faith, while some non-Orthodox participants have had the opportunity to get better acquainted with the Orthodox Church.



