Closing Ceremony of the Camp of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea

As every year, the closing ceremony of the 3rd Camp period for High School Students (4-6 August 2019) was held at the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Gapyeong, whose Feast Day is celebrated on August 6th.

Following the Service of Orthros and the Divine Liturgy, a Meal of Love was offered to all participants of the Feast, after which the Campers and Staff members presented a short musical program to the pilgrims.

The Metropolitan of Korea conveyed to all present the paternal blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Sotirios of Pisidia, as well as the greetings of Sister Agathi, who were absent in Pisidia and Greece. He then thanked God for the completion of the camping mission, and then thanked all those who worked voluntarily during the pre-camp preparations and during camp.

