By the grace and mercy of God, and after a long time of preparation, the following brothers and sisters, “who had been prepared for Illumination”: Paul Park, Marina Im, Fotini Min, Lucia Park, Irene Kochurova, Helen Cheon, Nektaria Lee, Makarios Kang, Theodore Hong, Haris Lee and Nikitas Hong became members of God’s Kingdom in the baptismal Divine Liturgy, celebrated in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Seoul.
Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea presided at the Baptismal Divine Liturgy with the participation of Rev. Fr. Roman Kavchak and Rev. Fr. Anthony Lim as well as Deacon Fr. Yohan Park. In his sermon, the Bishop spoke on: “Repentance and Holy Eucharist” and wished to the newly Baptized that their whole life may be a continuous journey between Repentance and the Holy Eucharist until their last breath.
After the Divine Liturgy the Community of St. Nicholas, hosted an agape luncheon to everyone present to welcome the Neophytes.