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“Artificial intelligence (AI) from a Christian Point of View: Servant or Overlord?”

On Friday, September 27, 2024, at the Hall of Myeongdong Cathedral, the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea and Exarchate of Japan, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its establishment by the Ecumenical Patriarchate (2004-2024), co-organized with the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Korea (CBCK) and the National Council of Churches of Korea (NCCK) a symposium on: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) from a Christian Point of View: Servant or Overlord?”.

The Symposium began with the reading of the Patriarchal Message, in which His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew clearly set out the firm foundations on which the debate on this very serious issue of concern to the global community should be conducted. 

The keynote speaker of the Symposium was His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholaos of Messogaia and Lavreotiki. Also participating as speakers were the Roman Catholic priest Fr. Moses Han Chang Hyun and the Protestant pastor Shin Ik-sang.

After the conclusion of all three speeches, the audience was given the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers, which showed their interest in the topic of the Symposium.

Also the publications and presentations of the Symposium in the Korean Media, with favorable comments especially on the venerable Patriarchal Message and the speech of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, revealed the great need to enlighten public opinion on this serious issue of AI.

