We found ourselves in faraway Seoul, a city of more than ten million people! We were hosted during the Holy Twelve Days of Christmas at the headquarters of the Korean Orthodox Metropolis in Seoul. The memories are many, the feelings beautiful, the spiritual experiences precious.
In addition, we also participated in an event that we would like to share with everyone. On the Saturday before Christmas (12.21.2024), the local Church of Korea welcomed eight new members into its bosom. They were Korean nationals as well as foreigners. But what really impressed us all was the fact that the sacrament was administered just as it was in the Ancient Church. Specifically, the new converts were baptized during the Divine Liturgy.
As was the case with the baptisms of the Ancient Church, this was preceded by intensive Catechism lessons with the catechumens (at least for three years). The evening before the baptism, “those who were converted to holy enlightenment” were baptized. They were absolved of their sins as was done by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The next day, after the conclusion of the Orthodox service, we all gathered around the baptistry in the narthex of the church. There, following the service of catechesis for “those who are to be blessed,” the Bishop sang “Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…” and it was followed by the Sacrament of Baptism and Chrismation. After the dressing of the newly-illumined, who were holding hands, first, the Bishop, the Priests, and the new Christians (with their sponsors), holding candles and wearing the all-white mantles, chanted “Those who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” and were led to the center of the church. The new converts took the central seats, honored as new members of the Church, while the Priests entered the Holy Altar. The biblical readings of the Apostle and Gospel of Baptism were then read, followed by the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Everyone received Holy Communion, and just before the “Dismissal”, there was also the prescribed hair cutting.
It was an unforgettable experience, and at the same time, it followed the pace of the Early Church, when the reception of the newly enlightened Christians was completed by the local Church of Korea in the most central and essential component of the life of the Church, namely in the Divine Liturgy. We praise and glorify the Holy Trinitarian God, and we wish the newly baptized to struggle continuously toward theosis. To the Orthodox Church of Korea, we wish that its vineyard may grow and that it may salt the whole world with its agonistic course, like fine salt. Amen!