On Friday 3 May, two lectures were delivered by speakers from the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea, as part of a special program called “Face to Face Talk”, organized by the NCCK and, in particular, the South and North Korea Reconciliation and Reconciliation Commission, in its Headquarter of NCCK.
The first speaker was Rev. Anthony Lim, Dean of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas Church in Seoul, who made a brief historical reference to the Orthodox Church and the role of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in world Orthodoxy as a leading Church.
The second speaker was Metropolitan Ambrose, who spoke on “Peace according to the Three Hierarchs”. The Metropolitan presented indicatively texts of the great Saints and Fathers of the Church St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian and St. John Chrysostom, which refer to Korea’s very sensitive issue of Peace and underlined that the Fathers stressed emphatically that a precondition for political and social peace is Love, Justice as well as Inner Peace.
Pastors of various denominations participated in the event and it was covered by CBS (Christian Broadcasting System).