With the help of God, the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea organized this year’s winter Camp in Chuncheon from January 12 to 15.
The central theme of the four-day Camp was: “Repentance: The Gate to Salvation”.
A total of 75 people participated from the parishes of Seoul, Jeonju and Ulsan.
During the Camp lectures were delivered related to the topic of Repentance and everyone had the opportunity to participate in the Sacraments of Holy Confession and Holy Eucharist.
Another Winter Camp took place in Busan from January 20 to 22, organized by the Parish priest Fr. Alexander Han and his colleagues at the church of the Annunciation.
Photos from the Camp: https://www.flickr.com/photos/145852826@N05/albums/72157679619122505/with/32501393606/