In the winter of 2018, the Orthodox Church in Korea was blessed by a visit from His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. For one week, His All Holiness spent his time in prayer, worship, and fellowship with the faithful Orthodox believers of Korea as well as various diplomats and politicians. He prayed for the reunification of the Korean peninsula and met with President Moon to discuss the reunification process.
Alongside these activities, His All Holiness hosted an International Symposium on the Environment entitled, “Ecology, Theology, and Human Dignity in the Orthodox Christian Tradition.” Here, he also shared the new Korean Translation of his book “Encountering the Mystery.”
Below are the complete Symposium Lectures given by His All Holiness as well as Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea, Very Rev Archimandrite Maximos Constas, Professor Gayle E. Woloschak, and Rev. Deacon Perry Hamalis. Included are the opening remarks made by Rev. Lee Hong-Jung, General Secretary of the NCCK and Fr. Lee Jai-Don of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Korea. Following the lectures is a panel discussion where the presenters were able to address the audience’s questions and elaborate on the themes and topics discussed in their lectures. Closing remarks by Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea were given by Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Na of St. Paul’s Orthodox Church in Incheon.
All videos are subtitled in both Korean and English except for the panel discussion. The panel discussion was generously translated live by Ms. Jeong-seon Yun.
For the complete text of all the lectures in Korean and English, please click —> Ecology Theology and Human Dignity in the Orthodox Christian Tradition
Key Note Speech 기조연설:
His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople-New Rome, Bartholomew
바르톨로메오스 세계총대주교
And God Saw That Everything Was Good: The Theological Vision of Creation in the Orthodox Tradition
그리고 하느님이 보시기에 모든 것이 좋았다: 정교회 전통 안에서 창조물에 대한 신학적 고찰
Opening Address given by Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea
개회사 – 한국정교회 대교구의 조성암 암브로시오스 대주교
Opening Remarks 개회사
Congratulatory Address by Rev. Lee Hong-Jung, General Secretary, NCCK
축 사 – 이홍정 목사, NCCK 총무
In Gratitude and Solidarity by Fr. Lee Jai-Don 감사와 연대 – 이재돈 신부
Very Rev. Arch. Maximos Constas 막시모스 콘스타스 수도대사제
A Tale of Two Trees: Nature and Human Transformation
두 나무 이야기: 자연과 인간의 변모
Gayle E. Woloschak, D. Min., Ph. D. 게일 월로샤크 박사
Responding Faithfully to the Ecological Crisis: The Role of Science in Orthodox Environmental Ethics
생태계 위기에 대해 신앙적으로 접근하기: 정교의 환경 윤리에서 과학의 역할
Rev. Deacon Perry Hamalis, Ph.D. 페리 하말리스 보제, 박사
Love God, Love thy Neighbor, Love the Trees: Environmental Justice in Orthodox Christianity
하느님을 사랑하고, 네 이웃을 사랑하고, 나무를 사랑하여라 : 정교회에서 본 환경 정의(正義)